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Zopiclone is a medicine that is prescribed to patients who are experiencing issues with sleeping. It belongs to the class of non-benzodiazepine hypnotics, along with zolpidem. Like zolpidem, Zopiclone reduces brain activity, facilitating sleep onset and maintenance.

It has a different chemical structure than benzodiazepine sedative hypnotics like Halcion (triazolam), yet it has the same advantages and disadvantages.

Zopiclone functions by attaching to a receptor in the brain called the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor and boosting the activity of the calming chemical messenger gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

There are two main strengths of Zopiclone tablets: 3.75mg and 7.5mg.

  • The typical dose is one 7.5 mg tablet given before bedtime. It takes around one hour to complete.
  • If you are 65 or older 65 or have kidney or liver issues, your starting dose may be reduced to 3.75 mg. In these circumstances, a lower dosage minimizes the risk of excessive drowsiness and other adverse effects.

Zopiclone is a newer medicine with a similar mechanism of action to zolpidem but is reportedly less addictive. This post examines Zopiclone in detail, including its applications, effects, adverse effects, and potential for misuse.

Uses of Zolpicone

Zopiclone is typically prescribed to treat insomnia, and those with difficulty falling or staying asleep are administered it. Zopiclone is a short-acting medicine that is commonly given before bedtime. In addition to its primary application in treating insomnia, Zopiclone has also been investigated as a possible therapy for anxiety and depression.

Zopiclone treats insomnia, a problem that makes falling or remaining asleep difficult. It belongs to the non-benzodiazepine hypnotics class, which reduces brain activity and induces feelings of relaxation and tiredness. Following are some particular uses of Zopiclone:

  • Zopiclone is a perfect option for sleeplessness. People who can’t sleep well and stay awake all day can take Zopiclone. Take this medicine before going to bed and have a better sleep. 
  • In addition to assisting in falling asleep and staying asleep, Zopiclone can enhance sleep quality. Individuals who use zopiclone report waking up feeling more rested and revitalized.
  • There are anxiety and depression-related sleep problems, and Zopiclone is a perfect medicine for this condition. As there are many factors behind sleeplessness, this medicine is an ideal solution to tackle all problems. 
  • You can use this medicine to treat jet lag. This condition is common among people who travel around different zones. This medicine can assist people in adjusting to a new time zone and obtaining enough sleep.
  • Zopiclone can treat restless leg syndrome, a disorder characterized by an unpleasant sensation in the legs that causes an irresistible impulse to move them. By diminishing feelings in the legs, Zopiclone can assist those with restless leg syndrome to achieve the necessary slumber.

It is essential to remember that Zopiclone should only be used as prescribed by a physician. It is a potent medicine that, if misused, can induce negative effects and be addictive. Individuals who use Zopiclone should take it for a brief length of time and not exceed the recommended dosage.

Effects of Zopiclone

Zopiclone’s effects are comparable to those of zolpidem. It slows down brain activity, facilitating the onset and maintenance of sleep. Zopiclone is a medicine with a limited duration of action; its effects normally only last a few hours.

Zopiclone is believed to be less addictive than other hypnotic drugs, such as zolpidem. It is one of the advantages of Zopiclone. Yet, similar to other drugs, Zopiclone might cause negative effects.

Side Effects of Zopiclone

The most frequent zopiclone side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, and dry mouth. Often, these side effects are modest and resolve on their own.

  • The use of this medicine may result in abuse and physical and psychological dependency. The risk of dependency increases with the dose and length of therapy. It is increased when this medicine is used for more than four weeks and in individuals with a history of mental problems and alcohol, illicit drugs, or drug misuse.
  • When Zopiclone is used with opioids, drowsiness, respiratory problems, coma, and death may result. Zopiclone and opioids should only be used together after other therapeutic options have failed. Please inform your doctor of all opioid medications you are taking and strictly adhere to your doctor’s dose recommendations.
  • Some sedatives and hypnotics, including this medication, have been linked in certain studies to an elevated risk of suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, and suicide. Nevertheless, it has not been determined if this is a result of the medication or whether there are other causes. Immediately consult your physician if you have suicidal thoughts for further medical guidance.
  • When using Zopiclone, getting at least 7 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep is essential to limit the risk of certain adverse effects.
  • Zopiclone may induce sleepwalking or abnormal activity (such as driving, eating, making phone calls, having sex, etc.) when the user is not fully awake. You may not recall what you did throughout the night the following morning. 

These adverse effects are uncommon but can occur, especially if Zopiclone is used at higher dosages or longer than suggested.

Zopiclone Abuse and Dependence

Despite claims that Zopiclone is less addictive than other hypnotic drugs, it can be misused. Those who use Zopiclone may feel exhilaration, which can develop into abuse and dependency.

  • Zopiclone dependency can develop when the body tolerates the drug’s effects and requires greater dosages to obtain the same results. Dependence can progress to addiction, defined by obsessive drug-seeking behavior despite adverse outcomes.
  • Abuse and addiction to Zopiclone are more likely in those with a substance misuse or addiction history. Those who use Zopiclone should be aware of its potential for abuse and only take it as directed.

Final Verdict

Zopiclone is primarily prescribed for the treatment of insomnia. Moreover, it can treat sleep disturbances caused by anxiety or depression, regulate jet lag, and treat restless leg syndrome. While being an effective medicine for insomnia, Zopiclone can cause dependency and addiction as adverse effects. It is essential only to use Zopiclone as a doctor recommends and be aware of the potential for abuse and dependency.